The Grand Prix (GP) is a season-long competition based on the results of all PCP races. It is open only to paid-up PCP members. GP points for a race are scored according to order of finish so that the first finisher gets the most points. Your division is determined by your age on the day of the first race of the season, the Chickasabogue 2 Miler.
If you think that your GP score for a race is incorrect, you may appeal within 28 days after the GP results of that race appear on this web site. Awards Calculation: In each division, awards are given to the top 50% (rounded up) of runners who scored GP points in at least three PCP races. The Azalea Trail Run is used to settle all ties in the Final Grand Prix Standings. (For example: John and Larry are tied for second place at the end of the race season. Since John finished ahead of Larry at the ATR, John will be awarded second place and Larry will be awarded third place. If neither runner ran the ATR, both will be awarded second place and no third place will be awarded.) Awards for the season are distributed during our Annual Pacer Cookout at Chickasabogue Park after the Chickasabogue 2 Miler. Please note that there is no relationship between the Corporate Cup (which is not conducted by the Pacers) and the Grand Prix. In order to participate in the grand prix for a given race, you MUST register under your name as it appears on the PCP membership list. The grand prix results are calculated automatically. While the automated process will recognize some standard nicknames (Bill for William, for example), it will not recognize any non-standard nicknames (Buddy for James, for example). If you register for a race under a name that differs from your name as it appears on the PCP membership list, you will not be awarded grand prix points for that race. If you have any questions about the rules or about the results, please contact Grand Prix Questions. |